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Our aim is to improve the social abilities of rescued dogs by training them with sport activities, absorb their energies, exploit their motivation and as a result, improve their chances of getting adopted. 

Who we are

Our aim is to find and identify rescued dogs who become mad of being held at closed places, who are hyperactive and aggressive due to lack of attention - or on the contrary, never come out of their hutch and provide them special tailor-made training to improve their chances of finding a family. 


Furthermore, we aim to search for hidden talents who are kept on leash or in a closed kennel for their entire life, however, their abilities and motivations predestines them for being successful sportdogs either at Hungarian or international competitions. We choose an adequate sport for these dogs, which gives the desired motivation, absorbs their energies, dissolves their aggression and in parallel they learn how to communicate and live a contented life with humans.

For our current events, partners or any other information, contact us at sportkutyarehab (at)


"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace." 

Milan Kundera

Brown Dog

Sportdog Rehabilitation



IBAN: HU48 1040-3112-5052-6875-7166-1009


Registration no.: 01-02-0016754

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